Wake up and smell the...


To join the Guild, roasters and coffee farmers must emphasize fairness and transparency from seed to cup. Acknowledging the difficulties of verifying farm-level sustainability efforts across continents, the Good Food Guild again turns to third-party certification bodies for assistance in identifying beans eligible for consideration.


The Good Food Guild relies on the expertise of the coffee community to develop, revise and set standards for the category. As bean sourcing and roasting evolves, so do our standards. Read on to learn what those standards are and meet the coffee producers of the Good Food Guild.


In order to join the Good Food Guild, coffee companies must meet the following standards for at least 50% of their product line:

  • Roasted in the USA or US territories.
  • Traceable back to the producer (or producers) at the farm or cooperative level.
  • Sourced in such a way that price premiums meet or exceed Fair Trade minimums relative to the world commodity price, either through direct trade or through publicly stated policies and in-place processes.*
  • Sourced from farms or cooperatives where:
    • There is an emphasis on pursuing sustainable agricultural practices including water conservation and minimizing or eliminating the use of synthetic inputs.**
    • Transparent, documented practices ensure fair and humane work standards for all laborers. **
  • Made by a roaster that:
    • Prioritizes waste management through water conservation, composting and recycling.
    • Regularly checks roasting air quality.
    • Promotes a safe and enjoyable work environment by implementing policies and programs such as wage transparency, offering development and learning opportunities to staff and sponsoring or participating in social or environmental projects.***
    • Is an upstanding member of the good food community, oriented toward growing their business in harmony with a better food system.

*Prices determined based on C market (min $1.40) plus Fair trade (+ $.20) and Organic ($.30) pricing.
**These commitments can be shown by being third party certified to meet the standards of the following certification programs: NOP Organic, SMBC Shade Grown, Fair Trade (FTUSA/Fairtrade International), Rainforest Alliance or by providing further details regarding the farm, estate, associations or cooperatives in which you source from.
***Such as 1% for the Planet, B Corp, GMO-Free Project, Fair Trade or other local organizations focused on environmental and social responsibility.

Meet the coffee roasters of the Good Food Guild and apply to join.