Good Food Works

A series of projects that fortify a diverse, inclusive, thriving and independent food system


Food crafters and independent merchants are confronting a complex and rapidly changing landscape. Industry consolidation and the unprecedented growth of online retail continue to change the way businesses evolve and the way consumers shop. The simple truth is that good food is about people—connecting, respecting, supporting and enjoying each other. Simultaneously, since the Good Food Awards launched in 2010, the 20 largest food corporations have lost $18 billion of market share to smaller, values-focused makers – a testament to the power of, and dare we say appetite for, good food. Our work to humanize the food system has flourished and a vibrant community of over 1,500 Good Food producers and over 500 retailers has coalesced to feed an increasing hunger for responsibly-made food.

To safeguard the strides made in the last decade and continue the momentum towards a diverse, truly “good” food economy, the Good Food Foundation must broaden its work. Poised at the intersection of industry-leading merchants and makers, we are uniquely positioned to deepen critical collaboration between these two groups. The Good Food Fund will be used to pilot innovative programs that will unite crafters and merchants, build a culture of sharing, and differentiate good food.

While we have woven our implicit commitment to equity into the first ten years of our work, 2020 made it clear that quiet integration is not enough. To make our commitment explicit, we have built a multi-year Equity Action Plan. This roadmap is informed by a survey of 145 Black, Indigenous, and Person of Color-identifying food crafters, and designed by a BIPOC-led Equity Task Force. A plan that looks within and beyond the Good Food Foundation, uniting with partners to more deeply support under-represented food crafters and retailers, and ultimately create a more diverse and equitable food landscape in this country. We hope you’ll join us.