Merchants Unite!

Apply Today!

I am interested in becoming a member of the Merchants Alliance as a:

{{ tier === 'collaborative' ? 'Interested in being a Collaborative Member?' : 'First, tell us a little bit about you' }}*

{{ tier === 'collaborative' ? 'Great! We just need your contact info and we\'ll get in touch with you soon about next steps.' : 'We want to get to know you!' }}

Okay{{ ' '+' ')[0] }}! Tell us a bit about your company *

Please provide a one sentence description of your market

Is over 50% of the ownership of your business in the hands of individuals or workers?

Business Details

After all, details matter!

Are you a member of any other trade associations?

Does your business have any certifications (such as B-Corp) or other recognition on a local, state or national level?

I am interested in being part of the Merchants Alliance for:

Check all that apply

Submitting Your Application...


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